Executive Coaching 100 training areas covered in depth:
Live, Executive Coach training. Each week, Keith will lead me through the most impactful strategies for coaching and influencing leaders, executives, and high performers. Each weekly, 2-hour session will be recorded, and playbacks will be available in my portal.
Live Keynotes and Q&A Sessions. In addition to the live training delivered by Keith, I will also have the opportunity to participate in live keynotes and Q&A sessions with experts in the coaching industry, authors, and executives. These valuable sessions will give me the chance to be trained and coached by some of the greatest influencers and developers of leaders.
Live Practice with Keith. Weekly live practice trainings, include training on specific coaching techniques and competencies. During these live sessions, students are able to answer questions, participate in case study role-play scenarios and view live executive coaching sessions conducted by Keith and/or his associates.
Executive Coach Marketing Gameplan. In addition to the world-class training I’m receiving, I’m also getting a dedicated training session on developing a dynamic marketing plan focused on personal branding and establishing my credibility as an Executive Coach.
A Certificate for 50 hours of Training. as an Executive Coach, showing that I have been trained by the pre-eminent coaching school in the world.
Everybody who joins the Executive Coach Certification training gets this valuable bonus.
You will receive a Certificate of 50 Hours of Training as an Executive Coach from Robbins-Madanes Training. This is the most cutting-edge Executive Coach Training in the world and contains everything you need to become an amazing executive coach.