Jonathan Keim

Blackboard with a chalk circle & a pie piece - a Niche. Inside the Niche, 2 red people, rest of the circle has 6 blue people

To Niche, or Not to Niche?

Are all the business books and blogs you’ve read about finding the “perfect niche” helping or hurting your process for launching your coaching career? Is there an alternative approach to picking a niche?
A stack of four balanced stones in focus with a blurry turquoise background.

How to Avoid the “Competence Camouflage” When Choosing a Life Coach

The pursuit of personal improvement has become increasingly popular worldwide. Aiding the call, the life coaching industry was born, providing custom-tailored guidance to those seeking growth and the ability to unlock their true potential. However...
A paved road labeled leadership stretches through a green field toward an overcast, cloudy sky, reminiscent of Coach Tony's inspiring journey.

From Blame to Leadership

When confronted with the discomfort of pain or adversity, there may have been a time when you turned to blame as a temporary solace. At the time, blame may have served as a coping mechanism to navigate the intricacies of the challenging emotions that you were facing. Yet...

Ready to become a coach?​

If you’ve been thinking about becoming a coach this year, it would be good to set up a time to talk with one of our Admissions Advisors to discuss your goals and see what training is a right fit for you.