Core 100 Training
Are you ready to step into the life awaiting you as a professional coach?
Now you can become a successful coach so you can empower your clients to find love, success, and meaning in their lives.
Dear Future Coach,
But sometimes it’s frustrating because people don’t always follow what you suggest. Sometimes they even make things worse for themselves – even though you’ve given them some valuable strategies for personal change.
Most people who have a personal calling to help others wish they had more skills to help their clients change. And aside from a deeper bag of tricks, they wish for one thing…
The Ability To Help Clients Change On A Deeper Level
Then enhance your skills by becoming a Robbins-Madanes Trained Life Coach within your area of specialty. This will enable you not only to coach others in your industry, but to solve problems and offer consultation at the highest level.
Every industry is plagued by interpersonal challenges and dilemmas. As a Robbins-Madanes Trained Coach, you will be uniquely equipped to solve problems, help individuals and businesses resolve conflicts, and free up energy and time for their business.
You’ve probably seen some of our videos of Tony Robbins interacting with clients. Acting based on what appears to be intuition, Tony focuses on a single point he uses to bring about massive change.
When he’s done, people are in tears, their life is changed, and very often, it’s only taken a few minutes. And people watching him work often think…
I Wish I Could Help People Change Like That! Now You Can
But it’s not. Tony uses a systematic approach for making change in peoples’ lives. Once you learn the strategies he uses, you can do the same thing.
Now Tony does his work elegantly and it seems as if he’s guided by his intuition but he’s really following patterns of intervention and excellence.
You can use the exact same strategies and help your clients make massive changes.

“I am learning so much from the strategies and the training in general. It’s giving me a depth to how I use my intuitive skills with clients.”
Ameya Tanya Gwizdalla
“I just graduated! What’s most useful is the Human Needs, for sure. I’ve learned about it during DWD but now I know how to understand people and my clients much better.”
Mariana Lacomb
CoachMost Coaches Do Not Get Results For Their Clients
Some have spent thousands of dollars to learn all kinds of great advice about getting clients, marketing themselves, putting yourself out there but for some reason – when it comes to helping clients change – something is missing.
These coaches are positive people and very well-intentioned, but once they’re face-to-face, trying to help a real person, they feel unprepared. They realize that their previous training was incomplete, and they need something more to create real results.
If you are personally committed to personal growth, you know you have the ability to create your reality and your success. And we don’t want anything to stop you in the way to massive success.
The Single Best Way To Grow A Coaching Business Is To Help Your Clients Transform
They try to work with clients but at the end of a few sessions the client is stuck in the same place.
They haven’t taken any action. They aren’t moving ahead in their life. And they are desperate for advice that works.
This is a “lose-lose” position for most coaches. The client loses because they are stuck. The coach loses because they begin to doubt their skills and begin to think: maybe they shouldn’t be a coach.
Don’t blame yourself. You may never have been taught the correct way to create breakthroughs and lasting change.

“If you are personally committed to personal growth, you know you have the ability to create your reality and your success.”
Why Most Coaches Can’t Really Help Their Clients
In a typical conversation, the coach tries some of the following:
The Cheerleader:
The Advisor:
The Defeatist:
When you try any of these techniques, the client doesn’t get what they want. They end up with …nothing. You may have given them the best advice in the world. But very often, people don’t follow it. It’s because the typical coaching model leaves out something very important:
How To Help Your Clients Achieve Breakthroughs
And that’s why we want to talk to you about The Robbins-Madanes Core 100 program.
We are dedicated to training you to get the best results for our clients. Results don’t grow out of a vacuum. We want you to understand our roots.

“I love the RMT training, I have found it valuable personally since losing my husband in June. Not only does it give me insight but it helps me start to shape what is possible for the rest of my life. Additionally I use it with my family and they are as seeing benefits immediately. The portal and disks are invaluable to immerse myself and repeat.”
Christina Briggs
The Wizard of the Desert
You see, prior to Erickson, psychologists always thought of the possibility of human change in medical terms. If you wanted change in your life, the first thing a psychologist would do is give you a diagnosis. This made you a “patient” in “treatment” and a long process of “recovery.” If you were a healthy, sane person simply seeking to improve an area of life, there was no way to get professional assistance without first becoming a “patient.”
Erickson discovered that most people can be helped in another way. By tapping their inner resources, people could be guided to discover practical solutions that would radically improve their life, right here, right now. They did not need a complex psychological diagnosis – they needed practical help creatively discovering the life solutions that were right for them. One could say it this way: everything you need is within you now.
Erickson built on this simple, yet profound discovery by developing an original set of strategies that made him the most skillful clinical practitioner of the 20th century, and perhaps of all time. He became famous for being able to help nearly any kind of patient or client.
For over a decade people simply wondered at Erickson’s abilities before a man named Jay Haley “cracked the code” and wrote the first book analyzing Erickson’s method. Then scholars and students flocked to Erickson’s side from all over the world, including two men named Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Bandler and Grinder believed they could simplify Ericsson’s method. They called their approach Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
Their Most Successful Student

Anthony Robbins
Within a short time, Tony was everywhere. He had the most successful personal change product in history. He was the guy that celebrities and athletes went to when they were stuck. He was filling arenas around the world when the unthinkable happened.
It turned out that Tony’s fame had reached the White House. And the President wanted to talk to him. The connection became so strong that Tony’s number was literally on speed dial.
Tony Robbins has had three sitting U.S. presidents as his personal coaching clients. Since then he has gone on to create the most lucrative and successful private coaching practice of all time, coaching the biggest influencers of their generation in entertainment, industry, sports, and politics.

Oprah Winfrey

Leonardo Di Caprio

Hugh Jackman

Quincy Jones

Serena Williams

Larry King

Donna Karan

Mark Burnett

Bille Joe Armstrong

Dianne Sawyer

Jon Bon Jovi

Greg Norman
As Tony kept breaking new ground in his work in the area of personal change, he wanted to make a greater impact in the world. He decided to reach out to join forces with…”
The Most Successful Family Therapist in the World
Cloe Madanes has been training people in her techniques for years. She had studied personally with Erickson and founded her own school of therapy. But when Tony Robbins reached out to her, he had an idea.
Instead of changing the world one person at a time, what would the outcome be if they joined forces and began training people on a larger scale?
They agreed to develop a school to promote coaching excellence, strategic skill, and intelligent solutions to conflicts.

“I am fascinated by watching people transform. I love learning how to help facilitate that transformation. I appreciate that the training takes the position that nothing is ever wrong with anyone’s behavior and that we are all attempting to meet our own needs, even if that action or behavior is not necessarily the best way to do it. I love how simple techniques and small adjustments can make such huge differences.”
Shelley Sims
The Secret To Lasting Transformation
Our training is focused on you and your needs. We help you grow personally so you can effectively help others.
We share with you proven strategies that help people transform their lives and uplift their souls.
We want to assist you in helping people make deep level changes so their lives are profoundly affected
How To Create Massive Change In Your Clients
They honor and respect every communication, every expression, and every change in tonality the client makes.
They note the limitations and patterns the client places upon themselves and then the “magic” begins to happen.
They systematically begin assisting their clients to create a world where those limitations no longer exist.
The Snowball Effect
Tiny interventions you make will become powerful levers for change. And the clients are grateful for the changes you help them make.
You can make a difference in the lives of hundreds of people by joining our Core Program and deepening your coaching skills.
Change Doesn’t Have To Take Forever!
Cloe is known for families coming in to her hiding their “secrets” but desperately seeking help. She is able to help them create strategic shifts in themselves, their relationships, and their family or community.
Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes are known for helping people to open their hearts to their true authentic power, so that they can solve any problem. They are also known as the foremost trainers of coaches in the world, figuring out exactly what each student needs to rise to the next level.
We can teach you to be an effective coach and get great results with our Robbins-Madanes Core 100 Training.

“I’m in the Core 100 currently, and finding strategies that help people really break through, as well as relationship strategies really effective – in my practice and in my relationship with my wife.”
Shawn K Carpenter
What’s Our Core 100 Training Really About?
Let me tell you the most important things we impart in the Core Training.
Ironclad Confidence
Behind every obstacle your clients present is a behavioral pattern. We teach you what to look for and how to give your clients strategies that will give them a new behavioral pattern. These strategies have been proven and tested on thousands of clients.
When you know what to look for, it becomes easy. You are giving your clients proven strategies for their lives. Your clients will love how you work with them.
The Best Training In The Industry
Your coaches are Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes.
We are the industry leaders in training coaches because we have joined forces on a mission – to raise the consciousness of the planet by teaching people how to live an enhanced lifestyle.
When someone asks you in the future, “Where were you trained?” and you mention the Robbins-Madanes program, you’ll have their immediate respect.
You are mentioning the brightest lights in the coaching world and their influence has touched everyone in the profession.
Professional Certification
The Training Comes With These Awesome Enrollment Bonuses:
RMT Speaker’s Blueprint.
Official Coach Directory Listing
Private RMT Student Only Community
Rave Reviews For Robbins-Madanes Films And Trainings

"What an impact. It was amazing. And all the other girls learned, too. So that was a huge day, a huge impact from the RMT tools that I learned. … Right now, I'm starting a group coaching for women, 45 plus, who feel their life is mundane and boring, and they have limiting beliefs or fears around taking the steps to make their life exciting and alive and full of joy. So I'm going to do some transformation work through a group coaching and retreats. So I'm super excited about that!"
Rebecca Gold

“Everything that Tony teaches is invaluable. I find even after listening to the same one 3 or 4 times I am still learning valuable information that I haven’t remembered learning last time. This builds my confidence in my subject knowledge.”
Rev. Theresa Mitchell
This is the Official Coach Training of Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins Video Training Modules
Live Power Sessions
This means you’ll never be left wondering how to apply these teachings. You have 6 months of weekly training sessions where you interact with us – LIVE.
Share with us your coaching challenges. Share with us your success stories. This is the real value of CORE 100.
Live Practice Sessions
This is a major difference between our training and others. We don’t spend a lot of time on theory, we focus on getting you trained to produce results.
Amazing Worldwide Learning Community
A Day In The Life Of A Coach

With your permission, I’d like to tell you how your life would be different if you decided to deepen your relationship by joining our CORE 100 program.
Your first client is a young woman who credits you with saving her marriage. She was ready to walk out on her husband in the sixth month of her pregnancy. Your simple suggestions turned them into lovebirds again. The husband has become the most attentive husband in history and sends you clients all the time.
It’s time for a break so you take a gentle stroll outside. You think of your clients scheduled for the rest of the day. You have a woman who has an extremely disobedient child and the mom needs help in responding appropriately when he acts up.
You are scheduled to talk to a man who wants to be motivated to lose weight. He consumes sweets all day and then beats himself up every morning when he gets on the scale. You have an amusing task planned for him that should eliminate some of his sweets.
Your last client of the day is a young CEO. He’s managing a company but has a rapid fuse temper and it’s getting him into trouble. Since he’s been working with you, he’s gotten his anger under control and doesn’t yell at anyone in public. His employees discovered they actually liked working for him. He needs so much reassurance; he schedules 3 calls a week with you and is expanding into working in other areas.
Your clients are grateful for your interventions. Being well paid for your advice and counsel is a great profession. You’ll feel good about yourself every single day.
But what’s even better is when you start making a difference in lives – starting with your own. We’ve long discovered that many of our coaches take the lessons they learn in our coaching lives and begin rebuilding their own lives.
They become grounded and happier people and are better able to reach and teach others.
Frequently Asked Questions About The Core 100 Program
Many people actually begin their coaching practice during the training. In fact, this is a great way to start with six full months of live feedback and support. There isn’t a single other coaching program that offers this.
As a coach you’ll be exposed to all kinds of problems and situations. You might be called upon for help with relationship issues, child raising issues, study issues, work related issues, personal happiness issues, and much more. You’ll find that your training in looking for patterns will help you no matter what the situation.
Yes you can. We’ve seen hundreds of our graduates transition to become full time coaches. It’s all about the results you help your clients get. Your training is so effective, you will notice more and more people referring their friends to you. That’s the most effective way to grow your practice.
Most of our coaches started when they were in other jobs. Some did the entire training before starting their coaching business. Others began working as a coach on nights and weekends. As far as the training goes, everything is recorded – even the bimonthly live coaching calls – so you can go through the training at a pace that fits your schedule.
Many of our students had done coaching trainings elsewhere and were not satisfied. Part of them realized they weren’t getting consistent results with their clients. They were frustrated their clients weren’t taking their advice and following through on their suggestions. As soon as they began going through our training, their entire perspective changed.
We see a very wide variety of people going through our training. Many people want to focus on a particular area while others are more general in their desire to serve. We’ve seen people focus as health coaches, relationship experts, life coaches, financial coaches, business coaches, as well as spiritual coaches and healers. Where you take your Robbins-Madanes training is up to you.
This Program is Perfect For You If:
- You already know you want to be a coach and help people on a deep and profound level.
- You know that as you help each client, you are helping transform the world.
- You want to help clients experience more love, personal freedom, and greater fulfillment.
- You want to make more money and love what you do.
- You want to train with the most highly respected names in the world of professional coaching.
- You want a step-by-step action plan to creating a successful business.

Tony Robbins

Cloe Madanes