Jorge's Story

Business Process Consultant

Courses: Core 100

DO IT! I know people interested in Coaching, I always talk to them about this program. It's the most complete one I've seen out there (and I've shopped around). The single most useful thing I've gotten from the training is understanding. Knowing that I have a decision, a choice to make in every situation life presents before me. That change is possible and that not only me, but people around me (friends and family) are more powerful than they think they are. I've stopped bad habits like biting my nails and watching too much tv and have become more focused about what really matters to me. It has been amazing. I'm understanding a lot of things about me, about people around me.

Ready to become a coach?​

If you’ve been thinking about becoming a coach this year, it would be good to set up a time to talk with one of our Admissions Advisors to discuss your goals and see what training is a right fit for you.