Sarah's Story

Strategic Intervention Life Coach and EFT and Matrix Re-Imprinting Practitioner

Courses: Core 100

The course has given me the ability to change the meanings I give to situations, and elevate my emotions and thoughts. This training will change your life, and have a positive impact on everyone you know and love – and even if you aren't that keen on some people it will help you understand and help them too! This training is given with so much sincerity, honesty, love and desire to enable people to take these amazing life lessons and spread them across the world. I feel really privileged to be part of this incredible mission! I thank you for all your hard work time and effort in putting your combined experience into this course.

Ready to become a coach?​

If you’ve been thinking about becoming a coach this year, it would be good to set up a time to talk with one of our Admissions Advisors to discuss your goals and see what training is a right fit for you.