Val Jane T.'s Story

Courses: Core 100

If you are a fan of Tony Robbins, or Cloe Madanes (Tony's mentor), this is a good place to learn the way he does his interventions. Initially, when I started learning the course, my intention was to get better at communicating with my family, my spouse, or the people in my community. I ended up not only taking Core 100, but I am now also doing Core 200. I am doing coaching as a side-career, which is something I never even considered before. I have a better understanding of my own emotions, trauma responses, triggers, etc. because of this training. I got to meet so many amazing people too! I am so blessed to be mentored by Cloe Madanes, in the Zoom classes. I got to meet Sage Robbins, Robert Cialdini, Lee Cockerell, and other amazing people here too. There are many scams out there that latches on to people's passion of helping and I am glad this is where I started my journey.

Ready to become a coach?​

If you’ve been thinking about becoming a coach this year, it would be good to set up a time to talk with one of our Admissions Advisors to discuss your goals and see what training is a right fit for you.